The Doorway - Making Change Possible
The Doorway is a direct response to the need for a means of getting off the street for homeless youth in Calgary. There are massive gaps in what the system says it wants to do, and what it actually accomplishes. Understanding the differences between street culture and mainstream culture while introducing a planning architecture to make lasting change is what The Doorway is all about. The Doorway is an organic community developed initiative that looks to nurture the unlocked potential within every participant, not hinder it. There is a wealth of experience and independence on the streets of our city, and we are here to support that.
Leaving one culture and jumping into another can be an overwhelming experience. The Doorway is comprised of a diverse community which helps homeless youth in Calgary make the transition from street culture into mainstream culture, bridging the gap between these two cultures. If we are to effectively change the lives of those looking to get off the streets, we first need to understand where these individuals are coming from, only then can we help them to where they want to be.
Providing a framework for effective change.
MYPLAN is The Doorway’s software specifically designed to facilitate the planning process. It’s a 24 month journey of 100 steps arranged into 13 different categories simplifying the confusion of getting started on making effective change.

"No solution can be found until everyone understands the problem" - A Participant.
Check out the latest from our blog!

Hello and welcome to our new blog feature. This is a test article.check out our facebook page for all the latest.

Here at The Doorway we are eager to celebrate summer. The good weather brings an elevated mood to all.

We are pleased to announce our brand new blog! Here is where you can keep up to date with the latest and greatest from The Doorway.
Come See Us!
Find us by simply taking the #24 Ogden bus and getting off at the first stop past the Blackfoot Trail overpass – stop #4506
Our Hours Monday – Wednesday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Bay 10, 2808 Ogden Road S.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2G4R7
Phone: 403 269 6658 Fax: 403 269 1207
email friends@thedoorway.ca
Mailing Address Box 46067, Inglewood RPO, Calgary, Alberta, T2G5H7
Charitable Registration Number 13140 1226 RR0001
©2017 The Doorway. All Rights Reserved.