- A gift of $30 enables a young person to complete 2 contracts towards their monthly goals.
- A gift of $150 sponsors the full participation of a young person for a month.
- A gift of $1,800 sponsors the full participation of a young person for a year.
- A gift of $3,600 sponsors the participation of a young person for the full two years of The Doorway process. Each investment in this category provides an opportunity for one more young person to create their own personal plan to get off the street over a two year period.
Incremental Growth
- A gift of $7,200 covers the cost of four young people for one year. Four is the average number of new openings from participants graduating each month.
Sustainable Growth
- A gift of $10,000 covers one full month of participation by all of our participants. This is an investment in the stability and ongoing expansion of The Doorway in Alberta; as a resource young people know, trust, and grow in.
CRA Number: 13140 1226 RR0001
Canada Helps – Click HERE to donate through Canada Helps
Cheque – Legal Name: The Back Door, a Youth Employment Society o/a The Doorway. (Our Bank recognizes either The Back Door or The Doorway on cheques made out to us.) Mailing Address: PO Box 46067, Inglewood RPO, Calgary, AB T2G 5H7
Credit Card – Please call our office at 403-269-6658 for secure credit card option
United Way – United Way Work Place Campaigns. When selecting your United Way. Workplace Campaign contributions please know although we do not receive United Way funding you can individually direct funds to us by selecting ‘The Back Door A Youth Employment Society’ or our Registered Charity Number 13140 1226 RR0001
Facebook – Check our Facebook page HERE to see if we have posted any items we may need at this time!