Providing an opportunity for young people who want to get off the street and providing an opportunity for community members who want to help young people get off the street. Without community The Doorway would not be possible.
- Community delivered
- Community funded
What are community members roles?
- community volunteers are essential to the doorway process
- community members are people who know stuff about mainstream living
- they are a tool young people can utilize when solidifying their plans
- community members and participants learn together what is needed to fit into mainstream economy and community
- young people can learn about mainstream living and community members can learn what getting off the street is really about
- it’s about listening, trusting, planning and growing
- The Doorway understands the street encompasses a culture of it’s own
- young people have taught us leaving the street feels similar to a person moving to a new country
- norms, values and expectations vary depending on culture
- with this knowledge The Doorway understands the integration from street to mainstream living as cross-cultural work
- community members are a valuable tool when choosing to leave the streets and participate in mainstream society.
- young people are a good source for knowledge when learning about getting off the streets
Want to be a Volunteer?
- 2-3 hours a week
- Hours of operation: 8am to 5pm (Mon-Wed) and 8am to 6pm (Thurs)
- Call us at 403-269-6658 or e-mail
- A Resume with letter of interest will be requested
Community Funded
The Doorway is not only community-delivered but also community-funded by supportive and engaged community individuals, businesses, groups etc.

Thank you to all our loyal supporters, without you our doors wouldn’t be open. Thank you for paying attention to young people in our city and to our project.